As an increasing number of workers are returning to offices around the country, safety is first and foremost in many people's minds. At the same time, many businesses also want to focus on other issues such as reducing their carbon footprint and maintaining an eco-friendly ethos. Consequently, when it is a priority for companies to ensure that workers stay safe and protected against illness, whilst simultaneously encouraging sustainability, it is essential to find options that can create an office environment that is both healthy and eco-friendly. 

This guide includes some top tips to maximise the sustainability of your office and keep your workers protected and healthy. 

Use antimicrobial products

In your organisation, your workers may be issued with smart cards, badge holders, and lanyards that are utilised on a daily basis. However, have you ever wondered how many germs these items actually harbour? Even if they are wiped down, the surfaces of cards, cardholders and lanyards can provide the ideal breeding grounds for bacteria and viruses to thrive, as they are touch many times a day.

Antimicrobial products are an excellent way to ensure that commonly used business accessories stay germ-free and do not put the health of workers at risk. Antimicrobial cards, cardholders and lanyards can deliver the ideal solution to the problem of germ-filled office essentials. 

How do antimicrobial products prevent illness?

Pathogens such as bacteria and viruses commonly cause illness. These microbes are commonly found on the surface or regular smart cards or lanyards. However, during the manufacture of antimicrobial products, a special additive is included in these cards, cardholders and lanyards. This additive disrupts the growth of bacteria and stops the bacteria cells from producing energy or replicating. It is incredibly powerful thanks to the active silver technology and it is exceptionally more effective at preventing the growth of bacteria than standard disinfectants. 

Migrate to contactless technology

Using quality-checked contactless smart cards is an excellent way to ward off infection. As the cards don’t need to be inserted and can be read with just a tap, the users do not have to touch a reader. This lack of contact means that there is less chance of the cards being infected by bacteria or viruses and they can help to protect the user from infection and illnesses. What's more, antimicrobial cards are intrinsically protective thanks to the powerful technology. 

Integrate eco-friendly products into your office regime

PVC is a plastic that can be extremely hazardous to the environment and often ends up in landfills or pollutes the earth's oceans. Try switching to more sustainable options such as recycled, wooden or PPH Bio smart cards or cards that are made from longer lasting materials such as composite. You can also look at moving to recyclable badge holders and other products that can be composted. The use of these products will enhance the sustainability of your business and ensure that you can commit to a thoroughly eco-friendly ethos.

By putting practices into place that can simultaneously protect your employees and help to preserve the environment, your business's reputation could also receive a boost as consumers will view your company as one that prioritises the important issues of the current age. 

To browse and purchase from our extensive selection of protective and sustainable products, browse our website or contact the team at Universal Smart Cards today.