Universal Smart Cards supplies a wide range of both Cards and Keyfobs to the time & attendance industry. The various technologies are covered in the section below. We keep a selection of the more popular card technologies (both contact-chip and contactless) in stock as blank white, gloss PVC cards to facilitate next day delivery. We can also design and print cards with a full colour, bank quality finish with your bespoke design. We have a fully equipped technical centre in Portsmouth that can both initialise and personalise card numbers and employee photos. This includes specialist UV printing equipment that can handle full colour printing and personalisation of tags and keyfobs within 3-5 working days. If you are unsure of the technology please send us a sample and we would be happy to test it for you.
What are the card technologies suitable in this market?

Contact Memory Cards - low-cost smart chips that are starting to fade with the advent of contactless.
Proximity ('Prox') cards - operating at 125khz that are often combined with existing Access Control Systems.
Contactless Smart Cards operating at 13.56Mhz, High Frequency. Brands like Mifare are becoming increasingly popular to allow the Time & Attendance function to sit on the same card along with other applications.
Magstripe and Barcode – older technologies that are lower in cost and an alternative to smart cards.
For all these types of card technologies, Universal Smart Cards can support set up and personalise cards to manage the handshake with the card reader and system. We can help with simplifying the architecture so cards can be read with multiple applications residing on the same card. Please give us a call if you need to discuss this further.
General features of a good quality time recording system are:
- Quick, robust, and easy-to-use terminals to capture employees' hours of working and their attendance to site.
- Flexible cloud-based systems accommodating 30+ staff.
- Support for a choice of contactless Smart Cards and Key Fobs, to support multiple applications on the one card.
- Ability to clock in with reasons for absence such as an incident, doctor’s appointment, dental visit, or sickness absence etc.
- Adding of Self-Service modules.

Looking for a T&A system?

Systems can range from simple standalone clocking terminals to large fully integrated pc-based systems with multiple terminals.
Some manufacturers install and support directly whilst others have a partnership with key installers. You will find that certain vertical markets lend themselves to certain suppliers whose clocking systems are better suited to the pattern of working.
Please give us a call, tell us what you are looking for and we can recommend trusted partners that match your needs.